is it time
VANDERAA · Rock Soul pop
Vanderaa is a music duo composed of Australian brothers Aaron and Levi VanderAa, known for creating high-vibe rock, soul, and pop music. Their commitment to building meaningful relationships is at the core of everything they do, from their connection to music and the environment to their involvement in the community. Growing up in Darwin provided a rich foundation for their musical careers, and they continue to draw inspiration from their upbringing.
Both brothers forged an undeniable affinity with music from a young age, becoming multi-instrumentalists and honing their performance skills on global stages. They chose their surname, which is Dutch for Of The River Aa, as the moniker through which to deliver their unique sound. VanderAa combine the power of drums, beatbox, guitar and harmonised vocals that organically flow to create heartfelt compositions that transcend the realms of indie roots, funk and soul rock.
When Aaron was gifted a yidaki, (didgeridoo) from an indigenous elder in Darwin, a strong bond was formed with the culture that has carried through in their music and ethos to this day. Aaron and Levi went on to assist with the facilitation of Red Lightning, a global drumming ceremony with First Nations people. The camp hosted 30 indigenous elders as well as bringing people together with over 500 drum circles from Peru to Nepal to Iceland to Mexico and over one million listeners online, making it the largest drum prayer in history.
From humble beginnings busking the streets of the Northern Territory, VanderAa have expanded to performing at renowned events such as Splendour in the Grass, Falls Festival, Berlin Travel Festival, Burning Man as well as headlining festivals in Italy. However, their embodiment of Vanlife - living a global life on the road - was brought to a halt when international borders closed following the 2019 pandemic.
Basing themselves on the Sunshine Coast, they have harnessed the opportunity to pause and innovate ways in which they can continue to create soul changing experiences. The results have included a series of Secret Garden Experiences, which to date have brought together around one thousand like-minded people to celebrate and connect. Aaron and Levi’s transition from forced stillness to conscious action and amassing a passionate social movement of drug and alcohol free spaces for the communities to reunite was captured in the documentary Secret Garden Experience.
The growth in popularity of the Secret Garden Experiences has culminated in the creation of Secret Oasis – a zero-waste carbon neutral multi-day festival that is shaping a new way for conscious minds to relate through music, movement, creativity and land based activities.
Other projects that have found life through VanderAa include the Circadian Rhythms drum circle, which attracts musicians from all walks of life to play and hundreds of music enthusiasts to watch and dance as each jam session unfolds.
Exercising their creative process as producers, VanderAa are birthing their debut album – Gravity – to add to their growing catalogue of music that continues to inspire a worldwide audience.
“Enter your mind, body and soul, feel what moves you, feel the rhythm lift you up. Your senses are vibrating and your hair stands on end, your heart beats faster to the driving beat of the drums as the music washes over you. VanderAa begins with the music and ends with the music, what lies in the space between is a story we love to share.” - Aaron VanderAa
VanderAa has collaborated with a number of organisations who are doing good in the world. Organisations such as Noosa Environmental Hub, Landcare, Red Cross, Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, TOMS, Will & Bear, Orange Sky Laundry and Take 3. VanderAa are always looking at ways to support organisations that give back.
If you would like to collaborate with VanderAa, please go to the contact page here.